Grant Funding Fundamentals Online Course

Everything you need to prepare for writing your grant, so you’re ready to go!

If you’re a first-time grant applicant or considering applying for UK government grants in the future, this course is for you. This course will get you prepared for grants, whether you’re writing your own or working with a grant writer to avoid surprises and last-minute important conversations in the writing process. Designed by a grants expert, Dr Chloe Sharp, with over a decade of experience winning grants.

If you’re looking to partner with Sharp Insight on a grant application, or you are developing an impactful, sustainable innovation that will help people and the planet, you can get access to a code to get the online course for free (worth £225+VAT).

If you accessed the course for free and you liked it, you can make a donation if you’d like to based on what you can afford.

For key grant competitions that promote sustainable innovation, we’ll run online workshops over two days which are 2.5 hours each, with a grants expert to go through an example case study to help bring the grant application to life. We can answer any burning questions you may have about your grant application (£479+VAT)